“Vision Test”, oil on canvas, rolled up painters cloth, acrylic, straw hats. 10ft x 10ft. 2019.

“Vision Test”, oil on canvas, rolled up painters cloth, acrylic, straw hats. 10ft x 10ft. 2019.

In the winter/spring of 2019, I was an Artist in Residence at Wesleyan College, where I created a series of mono/relief prints, as well as a video-based performance for a solo show titled “Green Screen”. I developed imagery and ideas through intuition, combining personal narrative with formal considerations of light, space, color, and shape. Figures sit in waiting rooms, reading newspapers and doing crossword puzzles, as flat fields of projected light obscure and abstract facial features. The title, “Green Screen” – the special effect technique allowing separately filmed subject matter to be combined into a final video—thematically connects this current body of work, as I loosely reference ‘the green screen’ through both my conceptual interpretation of this process, as well as within my subject matter. Imagery in “Green Screen” is both abstract and recognizable, suggesting both an imagined and ‘real’ space.
Performance documentation from exhibition "GREEN SCREEN" (clip) Original length of performance: 12min Medium: six hats, projected animation, relief print on canvas, audio McRary Gallery, Wesleyan College, Macon, GA March 28th, 2019